The Challenge
Originally hoping to develop accessible health care services, the women quickly realized that the risk of contracting HIV and the ability to live, once infected, were directly tied to education, employment and food security. These widows working to promote safe motherhoodand women's rights, but are also looking to elimination of child labour
These women are volunteers and receive no remuneration, which is actually quite unusual in Kenya, but they still all try to pay monthly contribution which are used to support costs of orphan care.
Asembo Bay Women for Development includes 60 widows who are divided into economic groups of 10 and each group operates its own economic activities like small scale farming. Every group operates a "savings and loan" program for its members with all members contributing a small amount weekly to the "pot". The "Pot" is used to make short term loans to members who need funds for an emergency or to expand their business opportunities.
Our Goal
Our goal is to provide start up funds for new ventures and to provide basic foodstuff during times of extreme hunger.
Our Impact
The group is highly respected for its accomplishments in the community and are frequently asked to represent the community in planning and development initiatives. With the funding we received for the widows were able to pay for transportation to medical care for HIV positive members, provide funds for new endeavors and to provide food during times of need.
There still more that we need to do to help them.